
Keynote Speakers for GCCCE Series


Dr. Ryan Baker Dr. Ryan Baker
Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and Director of the Penn Center for Learning Analytics, US
Speech Title: Investigations into Deep Knowledge Tracing: From Cold-Start to Real Life
Professor Chang Kuo-En Professor Chang Kuo-En
Taiwan Normal University
Professor Chen Li Professor Chen Li
Beijing Normal University
Professor Maiga Chang Professor Maiga Chang
Full Professor, Athabasca University, Canada
Speech Title: Awarding Skill Improvements based on Behaviour Pattern Extraction and Analysis


Professor Patricia Augustin Jaques Maillard Professor Patricia Augustin Jaques Maillard
University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil
Theme:Responding to students' emotions in intelligent learning environments: from extrinsic regulation to teaching learners to regulate their own emotions
Professor Jan Van Aalst Professor Jan Van Aalst
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Theme:Collaborative Knowledge Building: Exploring the Potential for Student Agency, Collaboration, and Inquiry-based Learning in Chinese Schools
于富雲教授 Professor YU Fu-Yun
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Theme: Students' Problem Posing Strategies
郭炯教授 Professor GUO Jiong
Northwest Normal University, Mainland China
Theme: Teachers' Artificial Intelligence Literacies


趙勇教授 Prof. Yong Zhao
University of Kansas
Title: Education in the Age of Smart Machines: Why Do We Need a Paradigm Shift
邱明明講座教授 prof. Ming Ming Chiu
Hong Kong University
Title: Automated Analysis of Classroom Dialogue: Applying Artificial Intelligence and Statistics to Big Data to Cultivate Talent
劉清堂教授 Prof. Liu Qingtang
Central China Normal University
Title: Learning Analysis: Accurate Teaching Analysis and Services in the Age of Big Data
劉子鍵博士 Dr. Tzu-Chien Liu
National Taiwan Normal University
Title: Viewing the Key Problems and Solutions of Digital Learning from the Perspective of Cognitive Load Theory


Dr. Sherry Y. Chen Dr. Sherry Y. Chen
National Central University, Taiwan
Title: Using Digital Learning Tools to Enhance Academic English Skills: An Individual Difference Perspective
汪瓊教授 汪瓊教授
講演題目:MOOC 用於教師培訓的可行性論證
張建偉博士 Dr. Jianwei Zhang
University of New York at Albany
Title: It takes a social system to raise creativity
Dr. J. Michael Dr. J. Michael
University of North Texas
Title: Emerging Educational Technologies in China and the USA: Contrasting and Complimentary Similarities
胡欽太教授 胡欽太教授


Prof. He Kekang Prof. He Kekang
Beijing Normal University
Dr. Nian-Shing Chen  Dr. Nian-Shing Chen 
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Dr. Huang Longxiang Dr. Huang Longxiang
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Prof. Guo Shaoqing  Prof. Guo Shaoqing 
Northwest Normal University
Dr. Zhu Qifeng  Dr. Zhu Qifeng 
Beijing Competency Education Research Institute
Dr. Carolyn Penstein Rosé Dr. Carolyn Penstein Rosé 
Carnegie Mellon University


Prof. Chi-Cheng Chang Prof. Chi-Cheng Chang
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Speech Title:Misconceptions of statistics and data analysis in the research of e-learning and educational technology: Experiences from researcher
Prof. Wu Di Prof. Wu Di
Central China Normal University
Speech Title: Research, practice and reflection on the data-driven assessment of ICT in education
Dr. Kam-cheong LI Dr. Kam-cheong LI
Open University of Hong Kong
Speech Title: E-Learning and Open Learning: How Beneficial and Disruptive are the Technologies?
胡郁博士 胡郁博士
Speech Title: 语音及人工智能技术引领教育产业变革
Mr. Erwin Huang Mr. Erwin Huang
Hong Kong Information Technology Federation
Speech Title: E-Learning in School Education: Partnership of Community and Commercial Vendors


Ovid J.-L. Tzeng
Academic Sinica
Youqun Ren
East China Normal University
Shengquan Yu
Beijing Normal University
Maggie Minhong Wang
The University of Hong Kong


Prof. Chin-Chung Tsai
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Prof. Charles Crook
Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Nottingham
Prof. Jiangang Cheng
Tsinghua University, Beijing


李榮安教授 Prof. Wing On Lee
National Institute of Education Singapore
王陸教授 Prof. Lu Wang
Capital Normal University
陳國棟教授 Prof. Gwo-Dong Chen
National Central University


楊鎮華教授 Prof. Stephen J.H. Yang
National Central University
何克抗 Prof. Kekang He
Beijing Normal University
王文中教授 Prof. Wen Chung Wang
The Hong Kong Institute of Education


羅陸慧英教授 Prof. Nacy Law
The University of Hong Kong
黃國楨教授 Prof. Zongkai
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Prof. Zhiting Zhu
East China Normal University
Prof. Zongkai Yang
Central China Normal University


韓長澤先生 Mr. Jerry Han
School Inspector, Department of Education, Taipei City Government President of CACET
陳之權教授 Chee Kuen Chin
Nanyang Technological University
Prof. Zhiting Zhu
East China Normal University


陳國棟教授 Prof. Gwo-Dong Chen
National Central University


何克抗教授 Prof. Kekang He
Beijing Normal University