Speech Title: Learning Analytics through the Lens of Designing for Children’s Rights

Daniel Spikol Associate Professor
Center for Digital Education and Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Speech Abstract:
Learning analytics faces many challenges for adoption that range from privacy and ethics to validation beyond large online courses and the perceived lack of benefits for learners and students. However, one can argue that a design deficit contributes to the low uptake of learning analytics coupled with the complex nature of education. I will present the Designing for Children’s Rights (D4CR) Design Principles that can help alleviate some of these challenges. The D4CR design principles have been collectively developed over the last several years by designers, researchers, and practitioners to help guide the design of products and services for children. The design principles are derived from the UN’s Convention on the Rights of the Child and address the legally binding international agreement for children’s rights. Unfortunately, when we investigate the field of learning analytics, we see little concern for these rights and that the children and learners are not always the focus of the work. My talk will introduce the D4CR design principles in the context of different learning analytics projects, focusing on the multiple traces that learners provide across the digital and physical spaces– multimodal learning analytics.
Speaker Bio
Daniel Sipkol is Associate Professor of Computational Thinking at the Center for Digital Education, Departments of Computer Science and Science Education. His research investigates how people collaborate with multimodal learning analytics (inspired by social signal processing ambient computing). He develops technologies that support learning, play, and reflection. His current work uses physical computing to inspire learners for computational tinkering and thinking.
Speech Title: Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in K12 Schools

Lin Lin Professor
Development Editor-in-Chief
Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D)
Professor and Director of Texas Center for Educational Technology Education (TCET)
Department of Learning Technologies, College of Information
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA
Speech Abstract:
Artificial intelligence (AI) in education is an emerging field in educational technologies. It is unclear to educators how to take advantage of AI for teaching and learning while considering the ethics, embedded biases, and privacy issues around AI. In this presentation, we will discuss current AI integrations (e.g., machine learning, naturally language processing, and robotics) in educational practices and the impact of AI in education and society. We will also discuss the ethical concerns around AI, so that we, as educators and educational technology researchers, can work with AI technologies to truly create new opportunities to help students learn and prepare students for future workforce.
Speaker Bio
Dr. Lin’s research looks into intersections of mind, brain, technology and learning. Specifically, she has published in areas including creativity, virtual reality, media multitasking, multimedia design, CSCL, critical thinking, computational thinking, and learning in virtual spaces. Lin currently serves as the Director for the Texas Center for Educational Technology (TCET, https://tcet.unt.edu/), and as the Development Editor-in-Chief of the journal Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D, http://www.springer.com/11423). She also plays several other leadership roles in affiliated professional associations. Lin is passionate about helping people develop and maintain curious minds and life-long learning with cognitive exercises and new technologies.
Speech Title: 技术支持的高校课堂教学改革探索及效果研究

李豔 教授
Speech Abstract:
Speaker Bio
李豔,教授,博士生導師,博士畢業于美國德克薩斯A&M大學農業教育專業,浙江大學教育學院副院長,課程與學習科學系系主任。主要從事遠端教育、數位化學習等領域研究。近十多年來主持的課題包括國家自然科學基金面上項目、國家科技創新2030-“新一代人工智慧”重大專案“人工智慧綜合影響社會實驗研究”子課題、國家社會科學基金重大專案“人工智慧促進未來教育發展”子課題、國家社會科學基金青年專案、全國教育科學規劃課題、浙江省哲學社會科學規劃課題等。在Computers & Education、British Journal of Educational Technology、Educational Technology Research & Development、Computer Assisted Language Learning、International Journal of STEM Education、Thinking Skills and Creativity、Asia Pacific Journal of Education、Frontier in Psychology、《電化教育研究》、《開放教育研究》、《中國電化教育》、《遠端教育雜誌》、《現代遠端教育研究》、《現代教育技術》、《現代遠距離教育》、《華東師範大學學報(教科版)》等)上國內外期刊上發表論文60餘篇,擔任國內外多本期刊的編委和外審。2013年,入選浙江省“之江青年社科學者”。2014年,入選浙江省151人才工程“第二層次”培養人員,2018年,榮獲“浙江大學優質教學一等獎”及“全國第六屆教育碩士優秀教師”稱號。
Speech Title: 從華人看世界 – PBL 主題跨域課程培養學生終身學習素養之實證研究

楊雅婷 特聘教授
Speech Abstract:
聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)在 2020 年底出版「Embracing a culture of lifelong learning-擁抱終身學習文化」,該報告勾勒出兩大終極目標:(1)使終身學習成為教育政策之「主導原則」:所有教育目的都是為培養學生終身學習素養。(2)為人民營造出可提供終身學習機會之「有利環境」:包括學校、家庭與社會。此外,為邁向 2050 年終身學習之願景,聯合國教科文組織認為必須營造學習型社會/社群,以培養學習者高層次思考與學習素養。因應此教育潮流,在台灣教育部推動中小學數位學習深耕計畫,每年帶領 30-33 間中小學種子學校,以 PBL 主題跨域課程為主,科技為輔,將基礎學科能力進行橫向整合,融會貫通,解決真實生活問題,落實學用合一。在實務推動的同時,也進行實證研究,採主客觀和質量並重之研究方法探討學生學習素養的改變和教師教學行為模式與學生學習行為模式的轉變。(1)首先,根據種子學校之個別實施成果進行後設分析(meta-analysis),有效控制各校的內在效度後,再分析種子學校(以 110 年為例,30 間種子學校 1832位學生)之整合結果。研究結果顯示「PBL 主題跨域課程」可有效提升學生學習素養,包括:學習興趣、自我效能、問題解決態度、學業成績與實作能力。(2)另外,本計畫團隊於教學現場實際觀測課室中「教」與「學」的轉變,運用即時課室行為觀測系統,收集每分鐘教師的教學行為模式和學生的學習行為模式與其批判思考行為。研究結果顯示:教師教學行為從期初「以教師為中心(課堂比例 51%)」的模式,到期末轉換為「以學生中心(課堂安排比例 82%)」的模式。(3)在學生學習行為模式,「PBL 主題跨域課程」促進學生高層次的個人建構和互動建構,進而提出問題解決方案與創新作為。最後,在學生批判思考行為,「PBL 主題跨域課程」提供學生真實情境問題以進行有意義的學習,引導學生在學習歷程中進入更深層、高階的邏輯思考,以掌握問題重點並養成嚴謹的判斷能力。綜上所述,「PBL 主題跨域課程」除了活用傳統教學所著重的知識、理解與應用,更提升學生的學習態度和強化科技應用能力、跨域整合實作能力和高層次思考能力,可有效培育具備終身學習素養的世界公民。
Speaker Bio